Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blogging about.....Blogging!

Blogs are big, anyone who has been online lately can't help but have stumbled over a few hundred of them. They are everywhere and are no longer the domain of just one age group. Kids, teens, adults, senior citizens, hobbyists, and business are all blogging, and now, so are libraries. In another effort to show teens that the library has a place for them, many libraries are adding blogging capabilities to their teen web pages to generate interest and a sense of community in their local teen users. The Escondido Public Library has Escoteens, a blog that offers a place just for Escondido Teens to virtually chat, meet, and hang out. The pages are moderated by the young adult librarians giving them a safe space to discuss music, books, movies, comic books, video games, volunteer opportunities, or just their normal teen angst without danger of words or attitudes going to far. I think this is a great way to involve teens with the library and reading. They are much more likely to listen to what their peers say is a must read, must see, must play, or must listen too, than any adult, and a teen library blog gives them just the place to do it!

1 comment:

Matt Marshall said...

There are so many portals of communication these days, it almost seems as if blogs are a thing of the past:) Between Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc. who has time to keep up! I suppose all these forms of communication have allowed us to keep in touch with each other in our ever busy lives.